Sunday, May 27, 2012

Summer Days OFF!

This week granted me with 72 hours of schedule free, do anything you want, summer time fun!

I'm blessed with a mom who puts off studying(going for her bacholers degree in business and marketing!) so she can tromp around thrift stores with me, and with a brother who can put up with me at the race track all day!
 (and will even let me win a game of bags)

These glorious days off were well spent, I do believe.

What I'm listening to: Ball Park Music- Nice To Be Alive

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Today was spent with some fantastic friends in Eureka Springs, Arkansas! This mini road trip was exactly how I wanted to spend my first weekend of summer.

We shopped around, hiked a bit and even made our way to a haunted hotel! Sadly, no ghosts were found.

But I did get up close and personal with Jesus...

Yupp. Today was great. And these girls are the best.