My months in France came to a bittersweet end this week. It was a life-changing experience filled with amazing people and memories I won't soon forget but after a two day commute including four flights and very interesting nights in airports (I was left with a stranger's child at one point...) I was so glad to be home.
I've recently read a post by Sprinkle of Glitter (seriously, she is a delight.) full of inspiring 'Loves of Late', encouraging others to say what they're loving at the moment. Since I'm state-side once again I thought a similar post was a great idea!
My dear sweet friends and family.
I was greeted at the St. Louis airport with texts from one of my closest, "Are you still on the plane?", "We're past security!", "Do you have a lot of stuff?", "Eek! Missssssssouri!", a huge hug and helping hand with my luggage. I then came home to my mom and brother waiting for pictures and a retelling of recent adventures.
They're the best.
You can't even imagine my excitement as I trekked around my home and got to admire the changing leaves, the crisp clean air all with a pumpkin spiced latte in hand. Now to enjoy bon-fires, haunted houses, and Halloween parties. Quite the welcome!!
The familiar.
My adrenaline rush comes from being in a completely different place, where I don't know a soul and am forced to figure things out on my own. It's exciting and scary and so so rewarding to look back on! I've been asked if it gets lonely venturing out on my own and my answer to that will never change. Absolutely not. I've always been a pretty quiet person, it takes me awhile to get close or to trust someone, but since I've placed myself in foreign territory it's forced me to get out there and talk. People are generally good and aren't near as scary as I thought. And since this discovery I've met some of the greatest people from all over the globe! I love hearing about their lives, their different ways of thinking, experiencing their culture. These are cherished memories and I don't regret a single thing.
BUT, it is nice to know where the nearest Starbucks is...
Since I've been gone two of my friends have been incredibly blessed with gorgeous baby girls and my sister-in-law is almost due with my first nephew! Ahh!
Oh Springfield, Missouri. I never thought I would include you in a 'Loves of Late' and yet there you are.
For a little while, at least...